Your company needs

why it is worth
working with me

Who am I?

My research and academic interests are focused on economic sciences, especially, in the disciplines
of management and quality science.

I am especially interested in a group of problems related to practical methods of an enterprise operations assessment in terms of: strategy, organization, economy, finance, and technique.

I specialize in qualitology, quality management, quality cost management, strategic management, strategic controlling, management control, enterprise risk management (ERM), internal audit, integrated management systems, knowledge management, creative thinking techniques, time management.

Reference number in the Polish training institutions register (RIS): 2.14/00237/2022

Grażyna Wójcik, PHD ENG



It is worth cooperating
with me because:

I provide professional coaching, consulting and training. I analyze and evaluate
an enterprise operations in terms of its: organization, economy and finance.  
I develop and implement restructuring plans of a remedial
and simultaneously developmental nature.


The goal of my coaching activities
is a change that will improve
the quality of your company's functioning,
and thus the quality Your life.


I will advise you on how to plan
a project, how to equip a facility,
how to increase profit,
and how to effectively
promote your business.


If you feel that you can
have more from life -
take advantage of my training offer.
Check and choose the training
that is right for you.

Company analysis

Restructuring activities
are aimed at, inter alia,
to reduce costs and generate profit
at a level that allows for
the development of the enterprise.

The changes require a comprehensive approach, are systemic in nature and include the delineation of a number of specific steps,
that can contribute to making these changes more successful.

Grażyna Wójcik, PHD ENG

Enterprise analysis


1. I lead
to improvement

of an organization competitive position and by increasing efficiency of its management rises its market value.

2. Restructuring

they are, among others, to reduce costs and generate profit
to a level that allows for an enterprise development.

3. Remedial

implemented within current potential of an organization.

4. Remedial restructuring consists in

streamlining management process, improving organization of work, growth of service quality, staff development, improvement of incentive system.

5. Introduced changes

lead to improved adaptability
and flexibility in functioning; ensure the best possible integration of activities, creating
a modern organizational culture and innovative attitudes.

6. Proposed change

of organizational culture enables participants of an organization
to adapt to necessary changes,
by closer internal integration.

7. Conducted strategic analysis

makes it possible to identify
and assess company's advantages and weaknesses against background
of opportunities and threats in the external environment.

8. Projected action strategy

aims to use strengths
and eliminate weaknesses.

9. I offer actions

aimed to reorient an organization’s goals and adapt
its economics, organization, management and personnel policy to them.

In terms of external adaptation,
changing the culture ensures:

Integration of an organization’s members into a common goal, mission and strategy, by their identification and understanding, focus an organization’s members on measures adopted to achieve goals.  Consent of an organization’s members as to the scale of goals to be achieved by adopting uniform measurement methods and criteria for evaluating the effects of action, development of a change strategy and defining directions and ways of streamlining organization.

Management staff manages changes
in a company to include:

development of organizational awareness, understanding and engagement of employees in a change process, systematic involvement in a decision-making process of people who have knowledge, ensuring an appropriate  pace of a change process, development of  information system  that meets new requirements by understanding and building trust in new solutions, concepts, overcoming resistance and aversion to changes.

Contact me

I invite you to contact all people and companies that are interested in cooperation.

I will answer every question as quickly as possible.


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