GDPR Training

I conduct trainings addressed to ABI / IOD, personal data protection representatives, heads of IT, marketing, HR, or accounting and financial departments


I conduct trainings for information security administrators / data protection officers, personal data protection representatives, heads of IT, marketing, HR, or accounting and financial departments,
whose daily professional duties will be burdened with a number of new, obligatory tasks
related to the introduction of the GDPR in a few months and a completely new law on data protection.

Personal Data Administrators are required to

implement specific procedures and solutions, as well as organizational and technical measures that are to secure the highest degree of personal data processing by their organization. At the same time, the GDPR Regulation does not provide any specific solutions on how to do this, and does not indicate even minimum technical standards aimed at securing personal data. Meanwhile, the responsibility for non-compliance by the data controllers with the provisions of the Regulation is very high, as under the new provisions an administrative fine of up to EUR 20 million may be imposed on them.

Any entity that processes personal data on the territory of the EU may be punished with such a penalty, i.e. not only large economic entities, but also small and medium-sized organizations, including sole proprietorships.

Grażyna Wójcik, PHD ENG

I encourage you to take part in the training in which I understand the changes in the protection of personal data in an understandable way, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR.

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